What Is Thematic Collecting?
Thematic collecting is about collecting by theme or subject rather than by country or geographical area.
The subject will be a very personal choice, and has no limitations other than availability of material. It can be limited to just stamps, featuring the theme as a major or minor element of the design, or ones that have wording on them relating to the chosen theme, or those where the theme is implied in the reason for issue. Or the selection of materials can be widened to include postal stationery, postal history, meter marks, commemorative cancels, postcards paper ephemera and possibly much more. Click here for a list of the many types of material you may want to look out for.
To learn more about thematic collecting click here for an article by John Hayward, former President of the BTA.
The BTA has published a CD-ROM on the subject written by leading thematic collector Margaret Morris. It is available priced £2.50 plus postage and packing. All enquiries to Wendy Buckle.